My Love for taking Pictures

As a child I had always like taking pictures. I remember my aunt would take are pictures when she would take us here and there.
I use her camera now when I can get film for it. Its the kind you look down in the glass. I now have 3 of the I have a variety of cameras, My 1st camera was a litte cheap brownie of some kind. Took the best film pictures.
I feel like when you take a pictures your putting your imagine freezing in time. My love for photograhpy is trying more settings. I have done around 13 weddings, xmas pictures for friendx.. I would take them to get better talent.. I love abstract pictures.
There are so many cameras out there now. I have learned more and more each time I go out and shoot. I have joined some online clubs. Which you can learn alot.
As for editeing, well still trying to learn that. Im a hands on person more than reading.
I enter our county fair every year, I feel like I'm getting better every year.
Have always wanted that one picture to get published, as we all do. In school took a photograhpy class, there my love for taking has never quit. I hope that it never does.
As I go out to do some shooting. I see what it should be.
Thats the beauty of what the eyes see. Its beyond words that one sees.
As ones mind goes and forgets who is who or what is what and where. You have a book to remember. One must not for get the beauty of life. Young or old. Pictures will always be here and improving as life goes on.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Old Cabin

Here is a landscape of an "Old Log Cabin"
Only thing standing now is the chummey.
It was there and wanting its picture taken. Makes you wonder what it went through and who lived there..Living in the country you find all kinds of barn, cabins, etc.

Texas Balloon Race

My first balloon race here in Texas.
This got a 1st at the county fair. I took around 3 rolls of film. I will make the Nite Glow maybe next year. If you never been. You must go.

Ferris Wheel

This here is my 1st nite photo. A little traveling fair had come to town. They were at are Walmart parking lot. Used my Olympus Om 10. Its was a great camera. Film of course. Anyway had took a refresher course at the college here. I beat myself out of 7 catagories and got this a "Sweepstakes"


Trying to get my photo like last years. But its different. Useing the Marco.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Love is in the Air

I had put a oval frame around this wedding picture. Had the Old fashion to it. I entered it in our county fair. I got a 2nd place on it a few years ago.

Nite Fair Ride

Had taken this with my Kodak 3200. Thought I would try it on moving objects. Still need to do more nite pictures.

Newly Weds

One of many wedding shots I have taken.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I was emailing a friend, and I had asked her if she was a Pro on taking Pictures. She says No. But when you think. Were all Pro's at what kind of Picture we take. Now I like Abstract, Dead Trees, Gravestones. Like many who take the action shots. Now that to me is a Pro shot. When I did a Wedding. They wanted the picture to make them look thin, well I told her I cant do that. Its the camera that sees what it wants to see. Fat, Thin, I than see what it see's.But when I see what I want to take. Than its a Picture. She liked her photots that I took. I have boxes of photos that were taken with film.
I have around 10 cameras. I collect them too.I can get film for even the 120 cameras. I have 3 of them. Remember the Kodak Disk. Well thats the only one I know you cant get film for.Same. now that was a point an shoot.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This is my marco shot, working with editing in Picasa on the color / black & white..

Resting In Texas Heat

One of our door greeters in Lawn an Garden. This was a good shot of her doing Nothing. lol.. Looks like she may had a gust of wind. Being the fan on her lap. lol.

Marco Flowers

I took my camera to work. And tried with my unsteady hand to take this close up.Of course it took about 10 shots to get the right one. Have to get a tri-pod.


This is relaxing water spray. Makes you want to get in it in this Texas Heat.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I was told of this tree that a highway work had carved in a Cemetery. So went looking and found it. Real good carving.


My two dogs. Belle loves to sleep on her back. She is a mixed terrier
Abby is sleeping on the pillow. She is a Boston Terrier. Now they have a Dog Day.

Texas Locust

UGLY LITTLE CRITTER. used enchanced color for him. He was real sunny do to the morning sun. so added some color for him.


Oh my, this was my first Bluebonnet landscape picture. I enchanced the color. and clouds.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Old Cars

I edited this. put a haze soft touch to this.
Hope you like this.

Day Lilles

these are in my herb garden. My Day Lillies.

Water Bubble

This is my water bubble that I made with my water nozzle. I added blue color from Picasa.
Its a good learning site.


Trying to get the marco down better on my flowers. Its a daily learning. Hope all enjoy.

My Ladies

These are my "ladies" I call them I work in a garden center, My imgainenation lets me go wild. lol. hope no one gets mad. Maybe to much Texas Sun on my head. lol

Old Sinks

These interested me as a good abstract. Taken in Jefferson, Texas. There are alot of antique stores, and they have a Ghost walk, 7 days aweek all year long. A must see there.

Texas Locust

This is a Texas Locust. They come out of the grown and than make such a noise.They fly and land anywhere they can. Than they sing at nite, next morning they leave there shells everywhere. They have a large wing span also.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


My flowers in a bowl. I love the color and that look just right for a pictures, or post card.