I was emailing a friend, and I had asked her if she was a Pro on taking Pictures. She says No. But when you think. Were all Pro's at what kind of Picture we take. Now I like Abstract, Dead Trees, Gravestones. Like many who take the action shots. Now that to me is a Pro shot. When I did a Wedding. They wanted the picture to make them look thin, well I told her I cant do that. Its the camera that sees what it wants to see. Fat, Thin, I than see what it see's.But when I see what I want to take. Than its a Picture. She liked her photots that I took. I have boxes of photos that were taken with film.
I have around 10 cameras. I collect them too.I can get film for even the 120 cameras. I have 3 of them. Remember the Kodak Disk. Well thats the only one I know you cant get film for.Same. now that was a point an shoot.