My Love for taking Pictures

As a child I had always like taking pictures. I remember my aunt would take are pictures when she would take us here and there.
I use her camera now when I can get film for it. Its the kind you look down in the glass. I now have 3 of the I have a variety of cameras, My 1st camera was a litte cheap brownie of some kind. Took the best film pictures.
I feel like when you take a pictures your putting your imagine freezing in time. My love for photograhpy is trying more settings. I have done around 13 weddings, xmas pictures for friendx.. I would take them to get better talent.. I love abstract pictures.
There are so many cameras out there now. I have learned more and more each time I go out and shoot. I have joined some online clubs. Which you can learn alot.
As for editeing, well still trying to learn that. Im a hands on person more than reading.
I enter our county fair every year, I feel like I'm getting better every year.
Have always wanted that one picture to get published, as we all do. In school took a photograhpy class, there my love for taking has never quit. I hope that it never does.
As I go out to do some shooting. I see what it should be.
Thats the beauty of what the eyes see. Its beyond words that one sees.
As ones mind goes and forgets who is who or what is what and where. You have a book to remember. One must not for get the beauty of life. Young or old. Pictures will always be here and improving as life goes on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grave Stones

I was wondering in Cementries one Sunday looking for the special head stone. Well was in wrong Cementry. Came across this, tells the story just by reading it. Sad in those days.

What kind Plant is this???

Ok all, What kind of Plant is this.???

Texas Sunflower

My neighbor grew these Sunflowers. I couldnt resist taking some pictures of them.


I had taken this a few years ago. Got a second at our county fair.
Make a good puzzle I think, I put it in black an white to see it.


while hunting for a challenge for things of old, I have found this one day while driving in town here. so stopped an took this picture.
Now its going in the county fair here. I did some editing on it. It had a tractor next to it . go got rid of it. and this is whats left.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blue Octagon

Took this for the county fair this year. Going to list is under abstract. Love taking abstract pictures.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Brown Mushroom

Here is what they look like after they open up. Nasty ones. Than they turn black.


well here is a moth. Had to get a chair to try and get a good shot. Dont know what kind this is.

Vinca with Rain Drops

I took this after some rain here at work. I have access to flowers. The red in the center looked so good around the green back ground.


Went to get some high flooding outside our town. We have had lots of heavy rain here in North East Texas. This was coming down off a small hill. I used my zoom to get this. I was about 40 feet away from it. If I had tried to get closer, I would be under the highway and end up on the other side of road.

Brown Mushroom

These came up after our Texas Summer Rain last week. One day there they are. You look close the open outward. Than they dry and turn to a Black color. If you kick the, Spores fly all over the place. There deep in the dirt also. Yes had to lie on the ground and took with my setting on Marco.